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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 60】

單元1:Reading for Fun 好文趣事

How I Plan My New Year。(123RF)
How I Plan My New Year。(123RF)

單元1:Reading for Fun 好文趣事

文章一:How I Plan My New Year

Every year, I take a few days and give myself some reflective space. Here’s what I do, in brief:

‧Reflect on the past.
I reflect on the year that just passed—what did I do, accomplish, fail at? What can I learn from all of this? What do I want to celebrate and be grateful for?

‧Clear things out.
I like to clear out my inbox, clean my house, clear out my reading list of articles I haven’t read, and clear out my emotional space. What do I need to let go of? 

‧Imagine what I want.
With a new year in front of me, I like to imagine what could be possible. I could build something, learn something, meet new people, travel, deepen relationships.

‧Start to choose.
From my possibilities, I start to make a shortlist—what do I actually want to focus on. I curate, and put the others on the back burner.

‧Create structure.
Once I have a shortlist, then it’s a matter of creating the structure I’ll need to actually make the shortlist happen. Some examples of structure that work well for me include monthly reviews, weekly reviews, or a morning routine. These reviews allow me to adjust my course along the way.

1. 根據本文,為自己訂定新一年的計畫時,第一件必須要做的事?(1)想像所有的可能性(2)把之前未讀完的書都先讀完(3)給自己放幾天假(4)想想舊的一年完成了什麼、失敗在哪?

2. 根據本文,一旦新一年的計畫清單完成,緊接著需採用哪一步驟,能協助確保計畫執行?

3. 新的一年裡,儘管變種病毒依舊肆虐,您是否也替自己訂定了新的計畫目標呢?請分享您的新年計畫。

1. (4)

2. Creating the structure(例如,建立每月檢視一次是否達標的構想機制。)



文章二:Tips to Be Happier

Hang with happy people。(123RF)Hang with happy people。(123RF)

There is evidence that people who describe themselves as “happy” seem to have fewer health problems. But having fewer health problems may boost happiness.

In any event, “happiness” isn’t static. It’s possible to make yourself happy and increase happiness to potentially protect yourself from various illnesses.

Here are some ways to boost your overall happiness and outlook:

‧Remain connected.
Data suggests a strong link between happiness and close relationships with family and friends. 

Getting involved in causes that mean something to you is another way to boost happiness.

‧Perform little random acts of kindness.
 Little kind acts like asking somebody how their day is going, buying them a coffee, or complimenting someone can boost happiness. Bake your neighbor a pie!

‧Hang with happy people. 
Happiness can be contagious. If your social network is happy, it’s better for your own joy. But get this: If you start boosting the joy in your social networks, it can spread!

Other ways to boost happiness include practicing gratitude, breaking up routine, spending more time outdoors, and making fewer decisions.

1. 根據本文,下面哪一個關於「快樂」的描述是錯誤的?(1)快樂具備傳染力(2)請別人喝杯咖啡,能促進快樂(3)快樂能預防疾病發生(4)快樂是靜態且不易變動的。

2. 根據本文,下面哪一選項正確解釋"volunteer"增進快樂的方法?(1)練習具備感恩的心(2)讚美別人(3)無償從事具有意義的服務(4)密切維持與家人和朋友間的關係。

3. 除了本文所述增進快樂的方法外,您都是如何讓自己快樂呢?試分享之。

1. (4)

2. (3)

