4‘Unproductive’ Habits That Make You More Productive
1. Sleep in More
How long should you sleep? The actual amount of time depends on your body’s needs, but your goal is to wake up feeling refreshed. If you enjoy waking up early, try adjusting your schedule to go to bed earlier. If you want to stay up late, start allowing yourself to sleep in.
2. Take Lots of Breaks
Doing something as simple as taking a quick walk can increase your creativity and energy. There are several different methods and techniques you can choose to follow. The Pomodoro technique has individuals taking breaks starting every 25 minutes, but other methods could have you working for a full 90 minutes. The key is to find what works best for you.
3. Laugh
While being an adult may bring on added responsibilities and stress, it’s important to find ways each day to do things that make you laugh and bring you joy.
When you laugh, your body releases endorphins that reduce stress and improve your mood. Studies have also shown that laughing can help reduce blood pressure.
4. Do Nothing
Meditation can be an effective way to rest your mind, while increasing your creativity and focus. It can also help lower your stress and reduce negative emotions. Meditation may seem intimidating or even difficult because your thoughts tend to wander, but there are many great apps out there that can help you with the process.
1. 根據本文,進行下列哪一項活動,無法促進工作效率?(1)練習打坐或冥想(2)散散步(3)做些好笑的事(4)早睡晚起
2. 根據本文,在開始進行「打坐或冥想」時,最常遇到什麼困難?
3. 除了本文提到的方法外,您自己有其他獨門妙方來提升工作或學習效率嗎?試分享之。
1. (4)
2. Your thoughts tend to wander.(你的思緒容易胡思亂想。)
文章二:Why Guided Meditation is Essential For Every Entrepreneur
What kind of “focused” time out can help the most? A much more accessible way to center yourself and gain a new perspective is to spend time every day in guided meditation.
In basic form, meditation is the discipline of focusing and redirecting your thoughts. It is like a workout for your brain that works to tame its tendency to wander. Wouldn't you love to increase your attention span, bounce back quicker from negativity, and keep calm in the middle of a crisis? Meditation—and particularly guided meditation—could help you to achieve all that and more.
Reduce Feelings of Stress and Anxiety
According to research, guided meditation could help you through the lows of starting up a business by activating and strengthening the positive thinking areas of your brain.
Boost Your Creativity
Controlled experiments in 2012 involving a program of mindfulness meditation showed that those who meditate tend to have less rigidity in their thinking and are able to find quicker and easier solutions when faced with the same problem as non-meditators.
Encourage Kindness in the Workplace
A 2014 review and meta-analysis of kindness-based meditation (KBM) observed that this kind of guided meditation helped participants to increase positive feelings, compassion for others, and self-compassion.
Sleep Better at Night
According to a 2015 review, guided meditation could improve your sleep quality by helping you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer.
1. 根據本文,下面哪一個關於「引導式冥想」的好處是錯誤的?(1)提升您的創意(2)容易入眠(3)對於壓力或焦慮較無感(4)在工作時具備寬容心。
2. 根據本文,何謂「冥想」?(What is meditation?)
3. 不管您是成功的企業家、繁忙的商務人士,或是一般普羅大眾,越來越多研究顯示,打坐或冥想所帶來的好處,恰巧適合現今壓力大的生活型態。請問您有嘗試過打坐或冥想嗎?試分享之。
1. (3)
2. Meditation is the discipline of focusing and redirecting your thoughts.(冥想是專注和重新引導您思維的一種訓練。)