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【學英文 懂新聞】臺灣如遇緊急狀態 重啟核能供電?

Taiwan May Reactivate Nuclear Plants in Event of China Blockade(123RF)
Taiwan May Reactivate Nuclear Plants in Event of China Blockade(123RF)


《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。  

Taiwan May Reactivate Nuclear Plants in Event of China Blockade

Taiwan plans to preserve its idle nuclear power plants in order to ensure their readiness for reactivation in case of an emergency, including a potential naval blockade by China, a lawmaker said on May 28.   Vice President Lai Ching-te was responding to a question posed during the National Taiwan University forum about how the self-ruled island would react if cross-strait tensions obstructed its natural gas imports, Taiwan News reported.   “Under such circumstances, relevant offices are planning how to maintain plants that have already been shut down for possible future use if it becomes necessary in an emergency,” said Lai, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate.  


 【譯文】中共封鎖下 臺灣可重啟核電  





reactivate,動詞  /riˈæk.tɪ.veɪt/ 重啟


英解:to bring or come back into action or use 例句:The case was reactivated because of new evidence.(因為有新證據,案件重新啟動。)  

in the event of ,片語 /ɪnˌðəˌɪˈventˌəv/ 


英解:if (something) happens = in case of  

例句:In the event of rain, the football game will be put off.(如果下雨,足球比賽將延後。)  

blockade,名詞 /blɑːˈkeɪd/ 封鎖


英解:the situation in which a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out

例句:China has imposed unexpectedly economic blockade on Taiwan.(中共無預警對臺灣實施經濟封鎖。)  

obstruct,動詞 /əbˈstrʌkt/ 阻擋


英解:to block (an opening, path, road, etc.); to get in the way of

例句:The part of the view is obstructed by a pillar.(有部分視線被柱子擋住了。)  



