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【學英文 懂新聞】郭台銘不忍了 宣布角逐2024總統

Freedom of the press must be upheld。(123RF)
Freedom of the press must be upheld。(123RF)


《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。  

Foxconn Founder Terry Guo Announces 2024 Taiwan Presidential Bid

Foxconn founder Terry Guo, 72, has announced that he will be running for president in Taiwan's important 2024 race amid aggression and threats of invasion by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In comments to the press, Mr. Guo, the billionaire founder of the major Apple Inc. supplier, said that Taiwan "absolutely cannot be the next Ukraine" and that he will not allow "Taiwan to be the next Ukraine."   Mr. Guo will run as an independent. He stepped down as Foxconn chief in 2019 and made a presidential bid that year, but dropped out after he failed to win the nomination for Taiwan's main opposition party, the Kuomintang KMT, which traditionally favors close ties with China.  

【譯文】富士康創辦人郭台銘宣布 競選2024臺灣總統

72歲富士康創辦人郭台銘宣布,將角逐關鍵2024年臺灣總統,對抗中共挑釁與侵略威脅。蘋果主要供應商創辦人、億萬富翁郭先生向媒體表示,臺灣「絕不能成為下一個烏克蘭」,他也絕不允許「臺灣成為下一個烏克蘭」。   郭先生將以獨立人士身分參選。2019年他辭去富士康董事長一職角逐總統,但未能贏得臺灣主要反對黨國民黨提名,而退出選舉。國民黨歷來主張與中國保持密切關係。   

(新聞來源:《英文大紀元  》)


bid,名詞  /bɪd/ 努力爭取


英解:an attempt to achieve or get something

例句:Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful.(她爭取連任失敗。)

press,名詞 /pres/ 記者


英解:newspapers, magazines, and reporters

例句:Freedom of the press must be upheld.(新聞自由必須維護。)

step down,動詞  /step/ /daʊn/ 退位

自然發音:st-ep dow-n

英解:to leave an important job or position, especially to allow someone else to take your place

例句:She reluctantly agreed to step down as general manager.(她無奈同意辭去總經理職務。)  

drop out,動詞 /drɑːp/ /aʊt/ 中斷 

自然發音:dr-op out

英解:to not do something that you were going to do

例句:He dropped out of the race after two laps.(他跑了兩圈後退出比賽。)  


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