For most of us, there's rarely a moment in the day when we stop moving and stop the noise. It's a very human tendency to want to be busy and productive, filling every space with something useful or entertaining.
But what if we could let ourselves become quiet? What happens is something magical: We start to discover a new way of being alive, and a deeper experience starts to reveal itself to us.
What does it mean to become quiet?
It means slowing down for at least a few minutes, physically. Just sit or come to some kind of stillness or slowness.
It doesn't mean you need to meditate, though of course, that's one way to do it. Instead, you could go for a quiet walk in nature, sit watching the sunset, or lie in a hammock and just feel the breeze.
It means moving away from technology, at least for a few minutes. Disconnect.
It means you let go of being productive or being entertained. You don't need to achieve anything, prove anything, be excited about anything.
It means you don't need to feel a certain way, or avoid feeling a certain way. For example, a lot of people want to feel productive, competent, or entertained, so we do whatever we can to get those kinds of feelings. Also, we don't want to feel bored, lonely, sad, or helpless, so we do everything we can in order to avoid these feelings.
Becoming quiet means we can allow ourselves to feel however we feel, just allowing it to be our experience. In the stillness and quiet, you might just hear life's deeper message.
1. 根據本文,下列哪一項錯誤?
2. 練習讓自己「沉靜」有什麼好處?
3. 一天當中你有機會讓自己沉靜片刻嗎?你都會怎麼做?
2. We start to discover a new way of being alive, and a deeper experience starts to reveal itself to us.(我們會發現一種新的生活方式和一種更深刻的體驗,自動展現眼前。)
文章二:Natural Ways to Strengthen Your Mind
Scientists are still discovering the extent of the mind's capacity and capabilities. The human mind can be developed and strengthened to function optimally.
Meditation can physically change the human brain. Studies show that people who meditate regularly develop higher folds in the outer region of the brain through the process of gyration. These outer folds are associated with the brain's ability to process and save information.
Exercise increases blood supply to the brain, which naturally strengthens the human mind by enhancing its speech and cognitive function. Exercise can produce heightened mental clarity, improved reaction time, and an anti-depressant effect on the mind.
Boardgames require using the mind's neurocognitive capabilities positively affect the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex regions of the brain. These regions are associated with various cognitive skills and complex memory functions.
Foods rich in omega-3 fats, such as oysters, sardines, salmon, etc., naturally strengthen the brain. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) present in these food items activates the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region, which governs the working memory. Lack of sleep can lead to loss of brain tissue. Since the brain performs the function of repair and maintenance during sleep, getting proper sleep is vital to ensure brain health. The studies have proven that people who get at least eight hours of sleep a day have enhanced memory.
1. 根據本文敘述,下列何者有誤?
2. 根據本文,如果你想提升腦力,可以從事哪些活動?
3. 對於本文「增進腦力」的做法,你在日常生活中是否遵行?哪些你認為有效,哪些則沒嘗試過?
1. (1)
2. Meditate, exercise, play boardgames, eat right, and sleep well. (冥想、運動、玩桌遊、吃對食物和睡眠充足。)