《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力
Taiwan badminton duo wins gold for second consecutive Olympics
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan's badminton duo on Sunday (Aug. 4) captured the country's first Olympic gold in the Paris Olympics and are the first Taiwanese shuttlers to win back-to-back Olympic golds.
In the men's badminton doubles finals, Lee Yang (李洋) and Wang Chi-lin (王齊麟) faced off with the World No. 1 pair from China, Liang Weikeng (梁偉鏗) and Wang Chang (王昶). A see-saw battle ensued with the opponents splitting the first two games and Taiwan's team edging out their Chinese opponents in the third game.
Their win over a Chinese team meant that the Taiwanese national flag anthem was played in front of Chinese athletes for only the second time in Olympic history, with the first being their victory at the Tokyo Games.
臺北(Taiwan News)——週日(8月4日),臺灣羽球雙人組在巴黎奧運摘下臺灣首枚奧運金牌,也成為臺灣連續兩屆拿到奧運金牌選手的首例。
capture,動詞 /'kæp.tʃɚ/ 贏得
英解:to succeed in getting something when you are competing with other people
例句:The Republican Party candidates captured 60 percent of the vote.(共和黨候選人獲得了60%的選票。)
ensue,動詞 /ɪn'suː/ 接著發生......
英解:to happen after something else
例句:The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.(警察到現場制止隨後發生的騷亂。)
edge out,動詞 /edʒ/ 險勝
英解:to defeat someone or something else by a small amount
例句:The company is gradually edging out the competition.(公司正逐漸從競爭中脫穎。)
anthem,名詞 /'æn.θəm/ 國歌
英解:a song that has special importance for a particular group of people, an organization, or a country, often sung on a special occasion
例句:John Lennon's "Imagine" has become the anthem of peace-lovers all over the world.(約翰·藍儂的《想像》已成為全世界和平愛好者的國歌。)
* 你平常有運動習慣嗎?或者你只喜歡收看體育賽事?本次巴黎奧運你關注的比賽有哪些?
* 你也有守在電視機旁為臺灣選手加油?麟洋配的羽球金牌戰,你印象最深的是什麼?
新聞來源:《Taiwan News》◇