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Former Taiwanese Presidential Candidate Gets Indicted for Corruption
TAIPEI, Taiwan—Local prosecutors have indicted a former Taiwanese presidential candidate on corruption charges, alleging that he accepted bribes related to a property developer and embezzled political donations. Ko Wen-je, 65, was Taipei's mayor from 2014 to 2022. Before his second mayoral term ended, he founded the Taiwan People's Party (TPP). In January, Ko finished third in Taiwan's presidential election as a TPP candidate, picking up about 26 percent of the votes. Despite losing the election, Ko is widely expected by Taiwanese media to run for president again in the next election in 2028. On Dec. 26, the Taipei District Prosecutors Office announced an indictment against Ko, seeking a combined jail sentence of 28 1/2 years for his alleged crimes during his tenure as mayor.
indict,動詞 /ɪnˈdaɪt/ 起訴
英解:If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime.
例句:Five people were indicted for selling counterfeit jewelry.(五人因銷售假珠寶而被起訴。)
corruption,名詞 /kəˈrʌp.ʃən/ 貪汙
英解:dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
例句:Mr. Ko is on trial for corruption charges.(柯先生因貪汙罪接受審判。)
embezzle,動詞 /ɪmˈbez.əl/ 侵占
英解:to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for
例句:She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.(她侵吞了慈善機構數千美元的善款。)
tenure,名詞 /ˈten.jɚ/ 任期
英解:the period of time when someone holds a job
例句:During his tenure as dean, he had a real influence on the students.(他在擔任院長期間,對學生影響甚大。)
* 北檢起訴柯文哲求刑28.5年,但民眾黨卻仍堅稱柯不會貪汙收賄,甚至聲稱是「政治迫害」,是對民眾黨的政治追殺,試問你怎麼看?
* 根據目前檯面上檢調提出的種種證據顯示,哪些能說服你認為柯文哲應該有罪,或者無法說服你柯文哲有罪?