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Texas Governor Bans DeepSeek, Other Chinese-Linked Apps on
Government Devices Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Jan. 31 issued a ban on the Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) app DeepSeek and five other Chinese-owned social media apps from government-issued devices.
State employees and contractors will not be allowed to download or use the banned apps on both state-owned and personal devices they use for work, according to the governor's statement.
The ban includes DeepSeek and Chinese social media apps Lemon8, owned by TikTok's parent company ByteDance, and Xingyin Information' s RedNote (also known as Xiaohongshu), as well as Chinese-owned stock trading apps Moomoo, Tiger Brokers, and Webull—all of which were identified in the proclamation order as posing “a security risk” to the state of Texas.
【譯文】美德州長頒令 公務設備禁用DeepSeek等中國相關APP
1月31日,德州州長格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)發布禁令,禁止在政府公務設備上使用中國人工智慧(AI)應用程式DeepSeek與其他5個中國所屬社交媒體應用程式。
遭禁的應用程式包括DeepSeek(深度求索)、中國社交媒體應用程式Lemon8(所屬於TikTok母公司字節跳動)、上海行吟信息科技旗下的RedNote(又名小紅書),以及中國股票交易應用程式富途證券(Moomoo)、老虎證券(Tiger Brokers)和微牛證券(Webull)——上述應用程式均在公告令中明訂會對德州構成「安全風險」。
issue,動詞 /ˈɪs.juː/ 頒布
英解:to provide something official
例句:The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change tomorrow morning.(首相預計於明天上午就政策變革發表聲明。)
device,名詞 /dɪˈvaɪs/ 裝置
英解:a machine that has been invented for a particular
purpose 例句:A computer is a device for processing
proclamation,名詞 /ˌprɑː.kləˈmeɪ.ʃən/ 公告
英解:an official announcement
例句:The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings.(當局發布公告,禁止公開集會。)
pose,動詞 /poʊz/ 造成
英解:to cause a problem or difficulty
例句:Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to
other road users.
Q1. 本文提及諸多由中國開發的應用程式,你使用過哪些?為何使用它們?
Q2. 來自中國的社交媒體應用程式,例如抖音(TikTok)等已遭世界各國下架禁用。儘管各國政府稱下載來自中國的應用程式有資安疑慮,但我們卻常聽到「我只是普通人」、「我的個資無足輕重」等來自使用者的回應,對此你有何看法?你會勸說他人不用中國的APP嗎?