Stress Reduction is More Important Than Eating Well
Your stress is doing more harm than your diet is doing good. A recent study published in Nature makes the claim that stress can actually override healthy food choices. Yes, that means the chronic stress in your lifestyle has the potential to be far more damaging than that (large) piece of cake you had this weekend.
In the published study, 58 women were given a survey to determine their recent stress levels. Then, on separate days, they were given either a meal very high in saturated fat or a meal very high in plant fats (sunflower seed oil). When women were not stressed the day prior, only those who consumed the saturated fat exhibited increased inflammation markers. However, when women were stressed, both meals were associated with significantly increased inflammation markers, namely C-reactive protein. So, the study seems to suggest that the inflammatory action of chronic stress overrides the benefits of healthier dietary choices.
Whether or not you agree with the study’s assumptions (that saturated fats are unanimously unhealthy and plant-based oils are unanimously healthful), this study does make one startling point: stress has an incredibly powerful inflammatory response in our bodies. So powerful that it may actually override a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet.
1. 根據本文,下列哪一項敘述不正確?(1)壓力造成身體發炎(2)植物油較飽和脂肪健康(3)減壓比吃得健康來得重要(4)多吃健康食物有助減壓。
2. 根據本文,研究者得出什麼結論?
3. 您也認同本文研究結論嗎?還是您有不同看法?
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2. The inflammatory action of chronic stress overrides the benefits of healthier dietary choices.(慢性壓力引起的炎症反應,(對身體的影響)超過了從健康飲食獲得的好處。)
文章二:Don't Be Fooled by These 'Healthy' Snacks
Vitamin-fortified cereals. Most cereals have no redeeming qualities. They lack protein and fat, yet are filled with hidden sugars. What’s worse, the quantities on vitamins present in many fortified cereals may be in quantities too great for children, which can prove to be harmful.
Pre-made trail mix. Trail mix is great for a long day when you can’t stop for lunch, but many trail mixes are just candy with nuts and granola added. Nuts and seeds are great, but chocolate candies and sweetened dried fruit make it an addicting, calorie-dense snack. For a less sugar-centric healthy snack, make your own trail mix in the bulk aisle of your grocery store and nix the candies.
Flavored yogurt. Many low-calorie, flavored yogurts are bursting with sugar. How much sugar? One Yoplait Original yogurt has 27 grams of sugar, or over 2 and a half Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Instead, opt for unsweetened, high protein yogurt — like Greek or skyr — and add in your own honey, fruit, or nuts. That way, you are aware of and have control over how much sugar you are eating.
1. 根據本文,下列敘述何者有誤?(1)一個優沛蕾原味優格的糖分超過2個甜甜圈(2)大多數的早餐穀麥片缺少蛋白質(3)給孩子過多的維他命可能有害(4)大多數trail mix都是健康的堅果食物。
2. 根據本文,三種宣稱健康的食物,都有什麼共同的陷阱(含有過多的)?
3. 在超市看到食品打著「健康」、「低糖」、「低脂」的宣傳,會促使您選購嗎?您個人有什麼選購標準嗎?
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2. sugar(糖)◇