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【學英文 懂新聞】中共賄賂國軍叛逃洩密 破壞兩岸和平

CCP Offered $15 Million to Taiwanese Pilot to Defect With US-Made Army Helicopter。(123RF)
CCP Offered $15 Million to Taiwanese Pilot to Defect With US-Made Army Helicopter。(123RF)


  《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。  

CCP Offered $15 Million to Taiwanese Pilot to Defect With US-Made Army Helicopter

  A Taiwanese pilot was offered $15 million by communist China to land a U.S.-made CH-47 Chinook helicopter on a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) navy aircraft carrier.   The details were revealed in a Taiwan court on Dec. 11 as part of the largest communist spy ring case in the self-ruled liberal democratic island in a decade. It involves 10 people, most of whom are Taiwanese active duty and retired military personnel.

The Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office said the Taiwanese army pilot, a lieutenant colonel with the surname Hsieh, was approached by Chinese spies in June.

Lt. Col. Hsieh planned to land the helicopter onto the PLA aircraft carrier Shandong when it approached the central line in the Taiwan Strait in a military drill on June 21. If he succeeded, the CCP would pay him $15 million reward and arrange for his wife and children in Taiwan to join him at a later date. 

【譯文】中共出價4.7億新臺幣 賄賂臺飛官駕美製直升機叛逃





defect,動詞 /dɪˈfɛkt/ 叛逃


英解:to leave a country, political party, etc., especially in order to join an opposing one

例句:He tried to defect to the West last year.(去年他試圖叛逃到西方。)

reveal,動詞 /rɪˈvil/ 透露


英解:to show something that is surprising

例句:The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.(醫生沒有透露真相給他。) 

approach,動詞 /əˈproʧ/ 向...靠近


英解:to come near to something or someone

例句:Slow down as you approach the corner.(接近轉角時要減速。)

reward,名詞 /rɪˈwɔrd/ 賞金


英解:something given in exchange for good work, etc.

例句:Most police informers receive a reward for their information.(多數警方線人藉提供線報而獲得獎勵。)



*  中共為什麼砸下巨大金額誘使我國軍飛官叛逃,你怎麼看?其最大目的為何?如果主角換成你,你會答應配合嗎?理由是?

* 試分享一件近期你知道的新聞,關於中共影響臺灣的動作或事件?你認為破壞兩岸和平與穩定的肇始者是誰?理由是?◇   
