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【學英文 懂新聞】0403臺灣大地震喚醒921惡夢

7 dead, 77 trapped after strongest quake to hit Taiwan in 25 years。(123RF)
7 dead, 77 trapped after strongest quake to hit Taiwan in 25 years。(123RF)


《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力

7 dead, 77 trapped after strongest quake to hit Taiwan in 25 years

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The death toll following the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck Taiwan on Wednesday (April 3) has risen to seven, while 77 remain trapped and over 730 people are believed to be injured.

The east coast county of Hualien bore the brunt of the strongest earthquake to have hit Taiwan in 25 years, and the majority of deaths and injuries occurred there. CNA reported that three people died on the Dekalun Trail in Hualien’s mountainous Taroko National Park, where many landslides and rockfalls occurred. 

A woman said to be a teacher died in the eight-story Tian-wang-hsing Building (天王星大樓) that partially collapsed in Hualien, and her body was found at around 2 p.m. A further 23 people were rescued from the building, four of whom were injured.

【譯文】臺灣25年來最強地震 7死77受困


位在東海岸的花蓮縣首當其衝,遭受臺灣25年來最強烈的地震襲擊,大部分死傷集中在當地。中央社報導,花蓮山區太魯閣國家公園得卡倫步道(the Dekalun Trail)多處發生山崩和落石,造成3人死亡。




名詞 /tol/ 死傷人數


英解:the number of deaths or casualties arising from a natural disaster, conflict, accident, etc.

例句:The death toll continues to mount.(死亡人數持續攀升。)


動詞 /straɪk/ 突然侵襲


英解:to occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on

例句:COVID-19 has struck the whole world for at least 3 years.(新冠病毒已襲捲全世界至少3年了。)


動詞 /træp/ 陷入困境


英解:unable to move or escape from a place or situation

例句:Two people are still trapped in the wreck.(有兩人仍受困殘骸中。)

bear the brunt

片語/ˈbɛr/ /ˈbrʌnt/ 首當其衝


英解:to receive the worst part of an attack

例句:The secretary has to bear the brunt of the boss's temper.(祕書必須首先承受老闆的脾氣。)



* 0403全臺大地震時,你在哪裡?當時有何感受?相較1999年9月21日大地震,有無差異?

* 地震發生後,反思自己、學校、縣市政府、中央等各單位,你認為第一時間哪些措施或行動值得讚許,而哪些方面仍有進步空間?◇ 
