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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 72】

Reading for Fun (好文趣事)

4 Benefits of Family Dinner Together.(Fotolia)
4 Benefits of Family Dinner Together.(Fotolia)

單元 1:Reading for Fun 好文趣事

4 Benefits of Family Dinner Together 

One of the great tragedies of modern-day hustle culture is the loss of family dinners around the table. However, there are some families that have managed to prioritize eating dinner together, recognizing the many benefits of doing so.


Perhaps the most important reason to consider prioritizing family dinner together is the deepened connection it fosters among family members. When family mealtime becomes a habit, conversations flow and ideas and feelings are shared.


Meals prepared at home tend to be much healthier than the typical meals quickly purchased for convenience. According to The Family Dinner Project, shared mealtime has been found to promote better health by lowering the risks of depression, obesity, and eating disorders while improving cardiovascular health and overall eating habits.


Sitting down together as a family regularly and consistently creates a comforting, dependable rhythm to life that everyone can look forward to and rely on. Knowing that your family members value spending time together is a wonderful gift for parents and children alike and strengthens family bonds.


Further, family dinner together becomes a tradition that every member of the family values. The memories made around the dinner table may easily become some of the most treasured. The benefits of the practice may very well be passed on to future generations.

1. 家人聚在一起晚餐好處多,根據本文,不包括下列哪一項?(1)固定時間一起坐下來吃頓飯,能營造家人的期待感(2)自家準備的餐點通常比較健康(3)一起用餐時,彼此能分享對話、想法和感覺(4)與家人一起用餐最重要的理由,係是創造家族傳統。

2. 根據文中提到的研究,與家人一起用餐時,對健康有哪些正面影響?

3. 您多久和家人一起用餐?您喜歡與家人一起用餐嗎?試分享難忘的用餐回憶。


1. (4)

2. lowering the risks of depression, obesity, and eating disorders while improving cardiovascular health and overall eating habits. (降低憂鬱、肥胖和飲食失調風險,同時促進心血管健康和整體飲食習慣。)


may I suggest a new summer tradition:“Camp Grandma Grandpa."(123RF)may I suggest a new summer tradition:“Camp Grandma Grandpa."(123RF)

Try a New Summer Tradition: Camp Grandma Grandpa

Summer is on its way. If you’re a grandparent and would like to create a cherished memory that both your grown children and your grandchildren will truly appreciate, may I suggest a new summer tradition: “Camp Grandma Grandpa.”

The general idea is this: For one fun-filled week (or weekend) the grandchildren stay at their grandparents’ home, where they learn, help out, and have fun spending precious quality time with their grandparents.

Invite them into your everyday life and allow them to join in the preparation of dinner, the watering of the garden, the trip to the store, the after-dinner walk, and the volunteer work you do.

Show them the old shoebox of mementos you keep in the back of the closet or your photos from when you (or their parents) were children. Tell them stories, teach them new things, and ask them about their lives and interests.

The most important aspect of Camp Grandma Grandpa is the quality time you spend with your grandchildren. The grandparent-grandchild relationship is a blessing indeed and not one that everyone is lucky enough to enjoy.

1. 根據本文,下面哪一個不是Camp Grandma Grandpa的概念?(1)與爺爺奶奶(外公外婆)同住一週(2)費盡心思設計有趣活動吸引孫子女參與(3)分享自己和孫子女爸媽小時候的照片和故事(4)祖孫共同度過美好時光。

2. 根據本文,Camp Grandma Grandpa最重要的意義為何?

3. 您也升格為祖字輩了嗎?是否也曾體驗過Camp Grandma Grandpa?試分享您的經驗。



2. the quality time you spend with your grandchildren(您與孫子女度過的美好時光。)

